In December, I picked up the pace once again and completed five books. Here's the list in order of completion.
1. God Speaks Science - John Van Sloten
While this book came highly recommended, and seemed interesting, it was far too technical for me to really get into, and enjoy. While pieces and parts of the book were good, it was just not for me. Honestly, I nearly gave up on this book many times but still managed to plug through. Maybe I should have stopped. I gave the book 2 stars.
2. The Weight of Glory - C.S. Lewis
I had picked up a copy of this a while ago, for one essay in particular, but I finally made the time to read through the other essays/sermons that Lewis wrote. While I didn't connect with everything here, I still found Lewis' famous style of writing a breath of fresh air. I gave this collection 4 stars.
3. Worth Celebrating: A Biography of Richard J. Foster's Celebration of Discipline - Miriam Dixon
I've never read a biography of a book before, so this was a first. Nevertheless, I'm glad I dug into this new genre. While Foster's book has always been one of my favorites, hearing some of the "behind the scenes" pieces that led to its composition was fascinating. I gave this 4 stars.
4. The Eyes of the Dragon - Stephen King
I had read this book a long time ago, probably when I was eighteen or so. It was one of my earliest reading of a Stephen King book. Here, King delves into the world of fantasy, creating a work altogether different from the horror he is normally accustomed to. On the whole, I found that I still liked the book a lot. I gave this one 4 stars.
5. The Joy Challenge - Randee Frazee
I read this one in preparation for our sermon series on the topic of joy. I found quite a few nuggets here that were helpful and would probably warrant another read through again in the future. I gave this one 4 stars.